Academic Activities
- Member, Indian History Congress
- Member, Keraleeya Puratatva Samithi (Kerala Archaeological Society)
- Social and Economic History
- Development studies
- Taught at the Mphil level at the Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
- Taught at the MA and M.phil level at the School of Social Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam
- Guest Lecturer at various colleges and universities in History, Economics, Sociology and Political Science
- Resource person at various programmes of Faculty Improvement and Refresher Courses for College and University teachers
- Lecturer at various Public/Non-formal/Worker's Education Programmes; particularly those organised by the Kerala Sasthra Sahitya Parishat (KSSP).
- Adjunct Lecturer at Asian College of Journalism, Chennai
- Lecturer at Manorama School of Mass Communication (MASCOM), Kottayam
- Served as Cheif Adjudicator of Ph.D theses at various Universities
- Currently supervising the research for four Ph.D scholars
- Supervised the research of M.Phil students at the Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
- Supervised the preparation of project reports in the Post-Graduate Diploma Programme in Population and Sustainable Development at the Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, for several years
- Supervised Master's leve; dissertations of students from several universities.
- Served as examiner of M.Phil and Ph.D dissertations / theses in various universities.
- Served as external guide and also as Member of the committee for Ph.D defence of a scholar at the Centre for Asian Studies, Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Supervised one Post-Graduate Dissertation in Law at the Department of Distance Education, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam
- Serving as Member of Doctoral Committees of six Ph.D scholars in the institute for Social and Economic change[ISEC], Bangalore and one scholar at the National Institute of Advanced Studies[NIAS], Bangalore
- Served as external Guide for a Ph.D scholar in Social Anthropology, London School of Economics, U.K, for another Ph.D scholar in Peace Studies, PADRIGU, Gothenburg University, Sweden and for another Ph.D scholar in Geography and Development practices in the Third World, Centre for Study of India and South Asia at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes on Sciences Socials, Universities of Paris I, Sorbonne and Paris X, France.
- With Dr.Dick Kooiman, Faculty of Cultural Anthropology and Non-Western Sociology, Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- With Professor Olle Tornquist, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, Norway and formerly at the Unit of Development Studies, Department of Government Uppsala University, Sweden.
- For Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) Bangalore, India, Report of the project on Documenting the Experiences of the SDC-CapDeck Programme, 2009
- For commonwealth of Learning (COL), Vancouver, Canada and the Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore, India, Report of the Field - Testing of Gender Friendly School Indicators (GFSI) in India (along with M D Usha Devi), 2009
- For ACTION AID, Chennai, to prepare a research-based contribution to supplement a project to redefine Right to Education in the Tribal Area of Kerala, through the Centre for Socio-Economic & Environmental studies(CSES), Kochi, as Project Director, 2007
- For CARE-India , New Delhi, to edit select papers presented at a Seminar on Strategies and Dynamics of Change in Indian Education, through CSES, Kochi as the Editor, 2005-2006
- For Decentralization support Programme (DSP), Local Self-Government Department, Government of Kerala, to prepare a Manual for Education Institutions and Anganawadis under Local Governments under a project entitled Basic Education, Academic, Administrative and Management Aspects (BEAAM), through the Grameena Padana Kendram, Karakulam, Thiruvananthapuram, as Cheif Researcher, 2006
- For the Rehabilitation Plantation Ltd, Punalur, Kerala, to undertake a Socio-economic Sustainability Study (Rapid Appraisal), through the School of Social Sciences (SSS), Mahatma Gandhi University(MGU), Kottayam, as an Expert, 2006
- For the Action Research Project on Access to Health Care and Basic Minimum Services in Kerala, India, organised by the Centre for Development Studies(SDS), Thiruvananthapuram and Universite'de Montreal, Canada, to do an Assessment of the Community-based Monitoring System for Access to Minimum Services(CDMS), in Kottathara Panchayat, Wayanad District, Kerala, 2005
- For the Modernaisation of Government Project (MGP), Government of Kerala, on the Baseline and Citizen Surveys for the Services Delivered by Institutions Selected under the Service Deliver Project, conducted by the SCES, Kochi, as a consultant, 2005
- For Centre for Development and Environment (SUM), Uiniversity of OSlo, Norway, to organize a seminar on Sustainable Human Development in Kerala, 2004
- For State Planning Board, Kerala and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Embassy of Switzerland, Delhi to prepare a Fact Finding Report on Kerala Panchayat Raj Institutions, along with M.K Prasad and Andreas Tarnutzer, 1998
- For Directorate General for International Cooperation of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hague, to Prepare a position paper on Research on Kerala's Development,1994
- For Ford Foundation, New Delhi, to prepare a Descriptive Case Study of the People's Council for Social Justice, Kochi, 1993
- For Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UN-ESCAP), Bangkok, to prepare the Consultant Paper on Effective Local Delivery of Human Resources Development Related Programnme: The Case of India, to be presented at the UNDP/ESCAP Seminar on Effective Local Delivery of Human Resources Development Related Programme, at Bangkok, 23-27 March, 1992
- For Ministry of Human Resources Development (MOHRD), Government of India, to evaluate the activities of the Centre for Development Action/Vikas , Kanakkary, Kottayam District, Kerala, 1990
- For Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), Bombay , to do a study on the Indian Tyre Industry, along with Gita Sen, Chiranjib Sen and Sunil Mani, 1987
- For World Employement Programme, International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva, to prepare a study on Agrarian Reform in Kerala, along with K N Raj, 1982
- For Department of Asia and Multinational Development Matters, Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Development Cooperation, Government of Netherlands, The Hague, to prepare a Report for the Indo- Dutch Comprehensive Appraisal Mission for Rural Drinking Water Supply Projects in Kerala, along with Leela Gulati, K P Kannan and others, 1982
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue on ' History : In a Different Perspective' of ORA the Malayalam Organ for Radical Action, Alappuzha, Kerala, Vol.23, Issue 08, January 2006
- Guest Editor along with Vikas Rawal of the two issues (presenting papers presented at the International Conference on Democratic Decentralization at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, May 23-27, 2000) of Social Scientist, Vol.29, No.s 9-10, 2001
- History of the Process of the Marginalisation in the Society of Keralam : A Perspective, Journal Social Discourse, Vol.1.No.1, October 2013-March 2014
- Gandhian and Marxist Approaches to Decentralised Governance, Social Scientist, Vol.40, Nos 9-10, September-October, 2012
- Present Discourse on Decentralisation in India : Conceptual Origins, in a collection of essays to be published by the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore
- Social Exclusion and Inclusion in the History of Keralam, A Perspective, in working Paper series, Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion andnInclusion Policy (CSSEIP), Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), Kochi, Vol.1, No.3, 2011
- Decentarlisation under Colonial Paramountcy : Case Histories of Mysore and Thiruvithamkoor, Journal of Parlimentary Studies, Vol.1, June 2010
- Popular Politics of Representation : Delimmas and Experiments in Indonesia, the Indian State of Kerala, and Phillipines, along with Olle Tornquist , Nathan Quimpo and Jos Chathukulam in Neil Webster ( (eds) Rethinking Democratic - Popular Representation, Palgrave Mecmillan, London, 2009
- When the Kerala Model of Development in Historicised : A Chronological Perspective, Working Paper No.19 of the Centre for Socio-Economic & Enivironmental Studies (CSES), Kochi, July, 2008
- An Ola Document Referring to the Eighteenth Century and Tachil Mathu Tharakan : A Note in AADHARAM, VolI, No.1, 2007
- Kerala Model Revisited : New Problems, Fresh Challanges, in a Vaidyanathan and K L Krishna (eds) Institutions and Markets in India's Development, Essays for K N Raj, Oxford University Press, Delhi 2007, also appeared as Working Paper No.15 of the Centre dor Socio-economic & environmental Studies (CSES), Kochi, 2007
- Evolution of Economy and Society in Kerala - A Long Term Perspective, in D Rajasenan and Gerard de Groot (eds), Kerala Economy, Trajectories, Challanges and Implications, Directorate of Publications and Public Relations, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, 2005
- Sustainable Human Development in Kerala : Some Issues, (along with K K George), Advances in Art and Ideas, Vol.1, 2005
- Historical Hurdels in the Course of the People's Planning Campaign in Kerala, India, in John Harriss, Kristian Stokke and Olle Tornquist (eds), Politicising Democracy, The New Local Politics of Democratisation, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2004
- Community Participation in School Education : Experiments in the State of Kerala, in R Govindaand Rashmi Diwan (eds), Community Participation and Empowerment in Primary Education, Sage Publications, New Delhi etc, 2003
- Ernakulam Revisited: A Study of Literacy in the First Totally Literate District in India, in Malavika Karlekar (ed), Paradigms of Learning : The Total Literacy Campaign in India, Sage Publications, New Delhi etc, 2004, also in MAlavika Karlekar (ed), Reading the Wor(l)d, Understanding the Literacy Campaign in India, Asia South Pacific Bureau of Adult Education (ASPBAE), Mumbai, 2000
- Land Relations in Contemporary Kerala: A Survey, Presentation in V K Ramachandran and Madhura Swaminathan (eds), Agrarian Studies, Essays on Agrarian Relations in Less Developed Countries, Tulika, Delhi, 2002
- Development History : Thiruvananthapuram District, in Mridul Eapen, Sreekumar Chathopadhyaya, and Joy Elamon (eds), Development Perspective, First Step in Formulation of a District Plan, Case study of Thiruvananthapuram district, People's Plan Campaign, State Planning Board, Thiruvananthapuram, 2000
- Population Projection and Policy Implications for Education: A discussion with reference to Kerala,(along with K Navaneetham), Review of Development and Change, Vol V, No.1, January-June, 2000, also as Working Paper No.291, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, 1999
- Factors in the Penetration and Consolidation of Colonial Power in Kerala, (1721-1829), in PJ Cherian(ed), Perspectives in Kerala History, the second Millenium, Kerala State Gazetteers, Vol II, Part II, Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, 1999
- Development of Colonial Economy in Kerala (1500-1947), in P J Cherian(ed), Perspectives in Kerala History, the second Millenium, Kerala State Gazetteers, Vol.II, Part II, Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, 1999
- Coffee, Tea or Pepper? Factors Affecting Choice of Crops by Agro-Enterpreneurs in Nineteenth Century South West India, Working paper No.291, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, 1998
- Socio-religious Reform Movement , Process of Democratisation and Human Development: The Case of Kerala, South-West India, in Lars Rudebeck and Olle Tornquist with Virgilio Rojas(eds), Democratisation in the Third World, Concrete Cases in Comparative and Theoretical Perspectives, Macmillan and St.Martin's Press, London, 1998, also in Lars Rudebeck and Olle Tornquist with Virgilio Rojas (eds), Democratisation in the Third World, Concrete Cases in Comparative and Theorectical Perspectives, The Seminar for Development Studies, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 1996
- Towards a Humane Community : Local Efforts and Economic Liberalisation, in RA Manikumar (ed), History and Society, Essays in Honour of Professor S Kadhirvel, Organising Committee, Professor S Kadhirvel Sixtieth Birthday Celebration, Madras, 1996
- Democratisation and Attempts to Renew the Radical Political Development Project, Case of Kerala (along with Olle Tornquist), Economics and Political Weekly, Vol XXXI, No.28, No.29, No.30, July 13,20,27,1996 also as The Next Life? Democratisation and Attempts to renew the Radical Political Development Project, The Case of Kerala, NIAS Report No.24, Nordic Institute of Asian studies, Copenhagen, 1995
- Kerala, Towards a ?New Agenda (along with T M Thomas Issac), Economic and Political Weekly, Vol XXX, No.31 and 32, August 5-12, 1995
- Kerala, The Emerging Perspective, Overview of the International Congress on Kerala Studies, (along with TM Thomas Issac), Social Scientist, Vol.23, Nos 1-3, January-March, 1995
- Socio-Religious Reform Movements and Demand for Indications of Development, Thiruvithamkoor 1860-1930, in Alok Bhalla and Peter J Bumke (eds), Images of Rural India in 20th Century, Sterling Pub.Pvt.Ltd, Delhi,1992
- Penetration of Capital into a Traditional Economy:The case of Tea Plantations in Kerala, 1880-1950,(along with K Tharian George), Studies in History, N.S Vol II, No.2, July-December 1986
- Divergent Effects of Similar Policies, A Study of Educational Policies of Travancore and British India, in Report of the Workshop-cum-seminar on Educational Development in Kerala, National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), New Delhi, 27-28 October, 1986
- Sree Narayana Movement in Travancore, 1888-1939, A Study of Social Basis and Ideological Reproduction, (along with T M Thomas Issac), Working Paper No.216, CDS, Thiruvananthapuram, 1986
- Competitiveness in the Indian Tyre Industry, 1936-1984, (along with sunil Mani), Working paper No.203, CDS, Thiruvananthapuram, 1986
- Socio-economic Factors in Educational Development, Case of Nineteenth Century Travancore, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol XIX, Nos. 45 and 46, November 10th and 17th , 1984
- Agrarian Reform in Kerala and its Impact on the Rural Economy, A Preliminary Assessment, (along with K N Raj), in Ajith Kumar Ghose(ed), Agrarian Reform in Contemporary Developing Countries, Croom Helm and St.Martin's Press, London, New York etc, 1983
- The Kerala Land Reform(Amendment) Bill1979:A Note, in Sheo Kumar Lal (ed), Sociological Perspectives of Land Reforms, Agricole Pub.Co, NewDelhi , 1982.
- Source Material in Malayalam on the Social and Economic History of Kerala, 1800-1947, The Bulletin of the Socio-Economic Research Institute, Vol.I, June 1981
- Indegenous Source Material for Historical Research, An Introduction to the Kollengode Collection of Records, Working Paper No.201, CDS, Thiruvananthapuram, 1985
- Intra-Regional Differences in Agrarian Systems and Internal Migrartion : A Case Study of the Migration of farmers from Travancore to Malabar, 1930-1950, Working Paper No.194, CDS, Thiruvananthapuram, 1984, also in MGS Narayanan (ed) Malabar, Malabar Mahotsav Souvenir Calicut, 1993
- Dimensions and Charactrestics of the Migration of Farmers from Travancore to Malabar, 1930-1950, Journal of Kerala Studies, Vol V, PartII, June 1978
- Emigration, Foreign Remittances and Economic Development of Kerala : A Preliminary Note, (along with Raju Kurien), World Conference on Malayalam, Kerala Culture and Development, Section VII, Development, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, 1977
- Status of Women in India: A Historical Perspective, (along with Sophie M Tharakan), Social Scientist, Vol.IV,No.45, November-December 1975
- Towards Norm-based Funding for Higher Education : Recent Trends in the State of Keralam, Policy Note Prepared and presented in the Thematic Session 7, of the Conference of the Vice Chancellors of Central and State Universities on University and Society, New Delhi, March 25-26, 2011
- Strategies and Dynamics of Change in Education : Kerala State Paper, (along with Parvathy Sunaina and N Ajith Kumar), in P K Michael Tharakan (ed), Strategies and Dynamics of Indian Education, CARE, Delhi, 2006
- Kerala Land Reforms in Retrospect, Development Digest, Kerala State Planning Board, Vol.II, No.2 and No.3, April-September 2004
- From where do forces and values of Transformation emerge in Adult Education? An Enquiry into the Experience of Kerala, India, paper presented at the International Conference on Lifelong Learning for Social Development, 13-15 August, 2002, Loyola College of Social Sciences, Trivandrum
- Statue of St.Antony, Money Box, Unique Era and a Historic Travelogue : Relics from Parayil Past, Parayil meets Committee, Ezhupunn and Thycattusserry, 2001
- Inward Social Linkages of External Trade : Kerala 1700 to 1950,paper presented at the National Seminar on Kerala in the World Economy, 25-28 February 2000, School of International Relations, M G University Kottayam, in association with KSPB , and KRPLLD, CDS, Trivandrum
- Economic History: Theorectical and Methodological Perspectives, in History and Theory, National Seminar Papers, T R Venugopalan(ed), Organising Committee and Department of History, Government College, Thrissur, 1997
- Coalition Politics: National and Regional Dimensions, in Joy Joseph et al. (eds) Coalition Politics, Challanges for the future, Update Collective, New Delhi, 1997
- Social Change in Kerala, EMS Namboodiripad talks to P K Michael Tharakan, Special Issue on Kerala : Progress and Paradox , India International Quarterly, Vol.22, No 2-3, summer-Monsoon 1995
- Justice and Efficiency in Economy and Society : Contextualising values for a Counter - Culture, Jeevadhara, Vol.XXV, No.149, September 1995
- On options of identifications : Communalism and Democratic Politics, in Understanding Communalism, Visthar, Bangalore, 1993
- Source Materials and their use in Economic History Research, S Uma Devi (ed) Approaches to Economic Analysis with special reference to India, Kairali Books International, Trivandrum, 1989
- Political Revelance of People's Groups, in V Sebastian (ed) Perspectives on Development, Centre for Development Action/Vikas Institute, Kanakkary, 1989
- Behaviour of Communal Votes in Kerala Assembly Elections 1987, Religion and Society, Vol.XXXV, No.4, December 1988
- Socio-Economic Reality in India- A Historical Perspective, inKuncheria Pathil CMI(ed), Socio-Cultural Analysis in Theologising, Indian Theological Association, Bangalore, 1987
- Communal Influence in Politics, Historical Background pertaining to Kerala, Religion and Society, Vol.XXXIV, No.1,March 1987
- Communalism: Study of Concepts and Origins. Kerala Sociologist, Vol.XIII, No.2, July-December 1985
- The Student Situation inIndia, 1968 to 1978, Religion and Society, Vol.XXV, No.3 September 1978
- Alternative Crops for Cardamom, Report of the Expert Committee, ( along with Dr. P V Shenoi (Chairman) (et al)), Spices Board,Cochin, 1996
- Towards a New Paradigm in Higher Education, Report of the Commission on Restructuring Higher Education in Kerala, (along with Professor Prabhat Pattnaik (Chairman) (, University Unions in Kerala, Trivandrum, 2001
- Education of a Deprived Group in a Totally Literate Region : The case of Tribal Children in Kerala, (Action Aid, Chennai), Centre for Socio-economic & Environmental Studies, Kochi, 2007
- An operational Manual for the Educational Institutions and Anganawadis under Local Governments, (Decentralisation Support Programme, Department of Local Self-Government Department, Kerala), Grameena Padana Kendram, Karakulam, Thiruvananthapuram, 2006
- Ernakulam Revisited 1999: A Study of Literacy in the First Totally Literate District in India, Asia. south Pacific Bureau of Adult Education, Mumbai, 2000
- Report of the Fact Finding Mission on Kerala Panchayati Raj Institutions, (along with M K Prasad and Andreas Tamutzer), Kerala State Planning Board, Trivandrum and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, New Delhi, 1998.
- People's Council for Social Justice: A Case Study,The Ford Foundation, New DElhi, 1993
- Effective Local Level Delivery of Human Resources Development Related Programmes : The Case of India, Consultant Paper No.4, UNDP/ESCAP Seminar on Effective Local-Level Delivery of Human Resources Development Related Programmes, Bangkok, 23-27 March, 1992, published as 'India in Development Effectiveness of Programme Delivery at the Local Level in Countries of theESCAP Region', UN/ESCAP, Bangkok,1994
- The Ernakulam District Total Literacy Programme, Report of an Evaluation, Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India, New Delhi, and Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum, 1990
- Report of the Evaluation of the Centre for Development Action/Vikas, Kanakkary, Inter Church Co-ordination Committee for Development projects , Netherlands, and centre for Developement Studies, Trivandrum, 1990
- The Indian Tyre Industry A Longer View, (along with G Sen et al), The Industrial Bank of India, Bombay and Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum, 1987
- Agrarian Reform in Kerala and its impact on the Rural Economy, (along with K N Raj), World Employement Programme, International Labour Organisation, Geneva and Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum, 1982
- Report of the Indo-Dutch Comprehensive Appraisal Mission for Rural Drinking Water Supply Projects in Kerala, (along with L Gulati et al), Department of Asia and Multilateral Development Matters, Ministry of Foreign Affairs/ Development Co-operation, Government of Netherlands, Embassy of Netherlands, Delhi, 1982
- P K Michael Tharakan interviewed on " Devolved power: key for health care in India" Bulletin of the World Health Organisation, November 2008, 86(11)
- 'Education Bill of 1957 ' , Looking back into its historical background, in P Rajeev (ed), EMS Ministry of 1957, History and Politics, Chintha Publishers, Thiruvananthapuram, 2007
- The First case was Torture Vehicle' (Foreword), Padavaramb, Ulavaipu Govt L P School, Ulavaipu 2007
- History of Power, ORA, January 2007
- ' When Kerala Model of Development is subjected to Historical Analysis ', ORA, Vol.23, Issue 08, January 2006
- ' Certain obstacles that the Decentralisation Process Implemented through people's planning campaign had to face, A positive criticism, Sasthragathi, Vol.41, Issue 2, August, 2005
- Articles on different topics in a column titled Aalkootam in various issues of the Mathrubhoomi Weekly, from Vol.81, Issue 52, 15-21, February 2004 to Vol 82, Issue 33, 17-23, October 2004
- ' Naval Tradition of People of Purakkad' in T T Sreekumar (ed), Kadalaruvikal, D C Books, Kottayam 2004
- 'Is it a history in revolt or a questioning of contemporary analysis?' Study in Jose Peter, Kalahikkunna Charithram, Malarayarude Mathaparivarthanam, Oru Punaranwesham, Christava Sahithya Samithi, Tiruvalla, 2003
- ' Some thoughts on Education in the Background of General Elections' , in Indian Politics, Towards the 21st Century, Vichara and Insaf Mavelikkara, 7 january 2000
- ' History of Democracy and Democratisation in Kerala' in RVG Menon (ed), Jhanadhipathyathinde Bhavi, 37 Annual Souvenir, KSSP,Kochi,2000
- ' Strengths and Concerns of the Development Process in Five Year Plans', Mathavum Cinthayum Vol.80, Issue 1, January 2000
- 'When we surpass Established Approaches' ,in anil Kumar A.V(ed) Thiraskritha Charithrathinu oru Amukham[Introduction], Chintha Publishers, Trivandrum, 2000
- 'History of Inheritance Rights', in T N Seema et al (eds), Sthree Padavi Padanangal, State Planning Board, Trivandrum, 2000
- 'Chainging society and Values whic are forced to change', New Year Special Issue, Samakalika Malayalam Varika, 2 January 1998
- 'Punnapra-Vaylar Uprising : Economic Factors' , Special-Punnapra-Vayalar 50th Anniversary Comemorative Issue, chintha, 1996
- 'Human Resources Development in Kerala' , May Day Special Issue, Chintha, 1995
- ' Framework for Analysing Kerala's Development', in K.R Janardhanan (ed), , Keralathinte Vikasanam, Chila Chinthakal, KSSP, thrissur, 1995
- 'Education, In the background of development History' , in CP Narayanan and P Somanathan (eds) Samoohavum Vidhyabhasavum, KSSP,Trivandrum, 1995
- 'Higher Education in KErala : Some ALternative Thoughts' , Sasthragathi, Vol. Nos. 9 and 10, February and March 1995
- ' Caste Nationalism and Communism, A part from Modern South Indian history', Adayalam Vol.I No.5, November, 1995 (Review Article)
- ' Sociology of Inheritance Systems: A Historical Review of Syrian Christian Inheritance' Annamma George and M J Joseph (eds) Anweshakar, Poralikal, Suviseshakar, Kristhava Sahithya Samithi, Tiruvalla, 1994
- 'Christian Inheritance Rights: A Historical Review', Sasthragathi, Vol.27, No.10 January 1994
- 'Christians in the Cultural Plurality of Keralam', in J J Pallath (ed) Malayalipatha Gaveshanangal, Samskrithi Study Series No.3, Samskrithi Publications, Kannur, 1994
- 'Have Schools to be closed? along with K Navaneetham, Sasthragathi, Vol.26, Issue 4, July 1993
- 'Social Commitments and Economic Issues in Higher Education' , in Sarvakalasalakalude Punarsanghatana, Trivandum, pub.1, 1993
- 'Circumstances which led to Colonial Domination', Malayala Mannu, Special Industrial and Cooperative Issue, 1992
- 'Subaltern Perspective in History Writing in Kerala' , Jayakeralam 6, October, 1992
- 'Some basic Issues of Higher Education Section : A Brief Review', Marxist Samvadam, Vol.No.1, October-December, 1992
- 'Malabar Rebellion: Introduction to New Enquiries', In Malabar Rebellion : History and Ideology, Chintha Publications, Trivandrum, 1991
- ' Benjamin Bailey, 1791-1871 : A Period of Social Change', Text of the Memorial Lecture, Publications Department, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, 1991
- A Glance at the St.Anthony's Church, thycattussery which is Celebrating its 200th Anniversary'Perunnal Committee, Thycattussery, 1991
- Total Literacy Campaign in Ernkaulam District: A Review', Sasthragathi, Vol.24, Issue n6, September 1990
- 'Recent Developments in Socialist Countries: An Analysis' Varthamanam, Vol.12, April 1990
- ' Local Economic Factors which contributed to the Circumstances leading to the Punnapra-Vayalar Uprising' , K C George Commemorative Volume, Trivandrum n.d
- 'Freedom Movement and Princely States', State Level History Seminar, Souvenir, Prugamana Kala Sahithya Sanghom, 1988-99.
- 'Social History of Christians : A review based on developments in Thiruvithamkore between 1860 and 1930's', Text of a Lecture presented at a Symposium in Honour of N K Jose's Sastiabdapoorthi, at Palai, 19th February 1989
- 'Economic Foundation of Religious Harmony in Kerala, A Historical Review' , Bulletin of the Christian Study Centre for cultural and Social Change, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, No.2, July 1989
- 'Development of Education in Kerala: A Historical Analysis',AKGCT, Sanghom, Vol.10, Issue:5, October 1988
- 'Historical and Cultural Issues raised by Edakal Caves', Sastragathi, Vol.21, Issue:3, June 1987
- 'Political and Social Dimesions of Religious Fundamentalism', ORA Vol.5, No.7, December 1987
- 'Politicisation of Religious Fundamentalism', in Sebastian Vattamattom (ed), Mathangalude Rashtreeyam, Manusham Pub, Changanassery, 1987
- 'Healthcare System in Kerala: A historical review based on demand', The Calicut Medical College Magazine, 1986
- 'Hopes and Crisis', Mathrubhoomi Weekly, 2-8 January 1983
- 'Social and Economic Impact of Tourism Development' Theerasabdam,Vol.3, 1980
- 'Early Workers' struggles and its Leaders', in 6 parts, Theerasabdam, Vol.3, 1980 onwards
- 'Industrialisation and Modernaisation of Kerala : Some Issues', in Kesavan Veluthat and NP Chekkutty (eds), Modernaistaion of Kerala : Historical Issues, Calicut University union, Calicut, 1980