Library Services & Facilities

Reference and Information Service

KCHR library is a reference library, library documents shall not be circulated for outside use.

Reference service is provided to all users of the Library. It essentially consists of providing reading materials or assisting in locating the materials held in the library. The reference collection of print and electronic sources includes general reference tools, materials in many cognate and interdisciplinary fields.  Staff provides services such as directions and library information. Informal instruction in the organization and use of print and electronic library tools is provided.

Telephone reference service is provided Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm, at 0471-2310409 and also e-mail service at

General Books, Journals and Magazine

KCHR library has a well equipped and large collection of books on Kerala history, Indian history and World history.Besides,  a good collection of national and international journals on History, Archaeology and other Social Science disciplines.

Content Alert Service

Newly arrived documents shall be displayed in the library. E-mail based alert of books and important journals/magazines reviews are published weekly to KCHR benefactors. Those who want reviews on new arrivals by e-mail may contact -

Newspaper Clippings 

The Clipping file is a collection of articles of KCHR interest which have been gathered from a variety of newspapers/periodicals. The articles range in date from 2004 to the present. Articles may be referred from the library. 

Photocopying Facility

Photocopying facility is available in KCHR office except for rare, damaged documents at nominal charges (we observe Indian copyright law. In general, you may copy no more than 5% or one chapter of a book or one article from any one journal/magazine issue for non commercial research and private study.) The member is required to fill the requisition form and pay the applicable charges. 

Issue of Library Use Certificates

Director shall issue Library use/Attendance certificate to research scholars who request for it. They must apply for it by using the prescribed form of library and produce an introduction letter from the Head of their institute/college at the time of arrival.

Suggestions Box

Suggestions understood broadly to include compliments, complaints, constructive criticism, and suggestions for service improvements or modifications from those who use library materials and services ("users") are welcomed.

Since 2007 a suggestion box has been prominently located in the Library to promote convenient and anonymous submission of written suggestions from users and staff. Provision has also been made to convey suggestions online. All the suggestions are considered and answered (unless inappropriately personal) through the proper procedure. Users can also send their suggestions, views and complaints via e-mails. 

Electricity and Water and Ventilation

Library will ensure that these essential things are working at all times and users would not be put to any inconvenience. 

Users Suggestions to Procurement of Learning Resources

KCHR users and staff may suggest procurement of learning resources to the library for their academic and research purpose. Filled in details of document/s prescribed forms must be duly forwarded by the library staff.


Library is a central resource department that is the backbone of all academic programmes of KCHR. User would be spending their considerable time in library premises pursuing their research and studies. Hence it is very much essential that library has a checking system in place to monitor the cleanliness and hygiene of the library premises like regular sweeping, cleaning and mopping of floors, racks, toilets, urinal and washrooms. 

Other Services

* The study spaces are available throughout the library on first come, first served basis.

* Four PCs in the library provide access to the OPAC. Users can access Online catalogue from 4 PCs provided in the library.

* Laptop Points- The library has around 7 plug-in-points. Laptop users have priority.