We are gradually shifting to the electronic mode of Publication because of our sensitivity to cost effective, ecofriendly and democratic practices in dissemination of knowledge
To Publish Articles/Manuscripts
KCHR invites unpublished articles and manuscripts for publication as monographs or in the journal or e-newsletter.
Publication Grant
An amount not more than Rs. 1 lakh will be offered as grant to the scholars/ researchers to publish social science studies and researches. The request with the proposal detailing the publication and its content may be send to the Director.
How to purchase
Cost and freight may be paid by Cash or D.D in favour of The Director, Kerala Council for Historical Research, payable at Thiruvananthapuram. The payment can also be made through our account. The details are as below
*You can also express your interest to buy a book by clicking the ''Éxpresss Interest'' option available with each books in the books gallery and we will contact you for further assistance.
General discount 10%
KCHR Friends - 20% (Annual Members), 30% (Life Members)
30% discount for Libraries and Research Institutions
40 - 45% discount for Book sellers
No discount on photocopied publications.
Officer in Charge
Sandhya S.N, Publication Assistant , KCHR
Phone – 0471 6574988, 2310409
Email: kchrpublications@gmail.com, kchrtrivandrum@gmail.com