Kerala Council for Historical Research (KCHR) offers the following research fellowships. The details are provided below. All applications must only be done in the online mode. Links to the application forms are provided below. No hard copy or email applications will be entertained.
Reservation rules will be applicable in each category.
Last date to apply: 30 June 2023.
1. KCHR PhD Fellowships (12 fellowships)
KCHR PhD Fellowships are open to research scholars who are pursuing full time PhD programme in any Indian University, working on themes is Social Sciences and Humanities. Thrust area will be Kerala Studies. However, candidates whose work has the potential to significantly contribute to social sciences/humanities may be considered as per the discretion of the selection committee. The fellowship amount is Rs. 25,000/-pm with a contingency grant of Rs.30,000 per annum.
2. Ph.D Thesis Revision Fellowship (towards monograph/articles) (3 fellowships)
This fellowship supports scholars to revise/modify their PhD thesis towards preparing publications (monograph/articles). The grant under this scheme will be a maximum of Rs. 150,000 and the selected scholar will have to complete the work within one year.
3. Thematic Post-Doctoral Fellowships (5 fellowships)
The fellowships are for those who have been awarded their PhD in the last 5 years to do independent research for one year. The fellowship is intended to enable researchers to have continuity in their academic career by allowing them to develop and research on a post- doctoral theme. The fellowship amount will be a total of 3,90,000 rupees including a contingency grant of Rs. 30,000/-.
4. Early Career Fellowships (3 fellowships)
KCHR Early Career Fellowships are awarded to scholars in the early phase of their academic career to do independent research for one year. The scholars should have completed their PhD in the last ten years. The fellowship amount will be 1,50,000 rupees.
5. Fellowship for Independent Research- Women (3 fellowships)
This fellowship supports women who have genuine academic interest in History, humanities and social sciences. The tenure of the fellowship will be one year and the grant under this scheme will be of Rs. 3,25,000 paid in three instalments including Rs. 25, 000 as contingency grant.
6. Fellowship for Transgender Researchers with/without institutional affiliation (1 fellowship)
This fellowship supports Transgender Scholars who have genuine academic interest in History, humanities and social sciences. The tenure of the fellowship will be one year and the grant under this scheme will be of Rs. 3,25,000 paid in three instalments including Rs. 25, 000 as contingency grant.
Queries may be directed to