Internships and Fellowships
* KCHR Invites Applications for Fellowships - 2016
* Applications invited for KCHR fellowships/ Internship/Guideship/: 2012-‘13
* Application - Fellowship - Post Doctoral
* KCHR Fellowship Details - 2012-13
* Application - P.hd Fellowship 2012
*KCHR invites applications for Post Graduate Diploma in Archaeology (PGDA)- 2016 (Date extended till May 20th, 2016)
* Applications for Post Graduate Diploma in Archaeology (PGDA)- 2016
* Pattanam Excavation 2007 Public Archaeology Handbook
* Pattanam Excavation 2008 Archaeology Handbook
* Pattanam Excavation 2011 - Photographs
* Walk-in-Interview for the Post of Research Assistant - 18th September 2018
* Applications Invited for the Post of Director - Last date 14th September 2017
* Applications Invited for the Post of Director - Last date 10th April 2017
* KCHR requires Part Time Library Assistant - Apply on or before 16th August 2016
* Resident Architect Wanted for Pattanam Site
* Volunteers required for Pattanam Children's Museum
* Notification for the post of Research Associate-2014
* Announcements- Researchers selected for KCHR PhD Fellowship 2014-15
Rank list
* Rank list for the post of Research Officer and Academic Co-ordinator
* Rank List for the Post of Research Assistant - Interview held on 18.09.2018
* Quotation invited for hiring of Innova car
* Quotation for printing 'Thekkethil Kudumba Charithram'.
* Quotation Invited for printing Diaries and Calendar for the year 2018
* Expression of Interest Muziris Children's Museum - Digital Applications
* Quotation Notice- Digitising Kerala District Gazetteers
* Muziris Papyrus course
* Short term course in Greek and Latin Languages